About me

Hi! 👀 I am Shujun Liu (刘书隽), a first-year graduate at the School of Data Science, Fudan University. I am a member of the Fudan NLP Group and Data Intelligence and Social Computing Lab (DISC Lab).

My work spans Natural Language Processing and Multi-modal Learning. I’m particularly excited about these research thrusts:

  • 🤖 Reasoning Models.
  • 📸 Vision-language Modality Alignment.


* indicates equal contributions.

Honors & Awards

  • Fudan University Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship
  • Third Prize in the Fudan University “Zhuoyue Cup” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition


  • Reviewer: ARR Cycle, NLPCC 2024
  • Teaching Assistant: DATA130008-Introduction to Artificial Intelligence-24 Fall